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Dinant Dinant

Dinant welcomes dispute resolution program in Aguán

  • 27 March, 2015
  • Company Committed to Open Dialogue With all Stakeholders Tegucigalpa, Honduras, March 27, 2015: Corporación Dinant fully supports the dispute resolution design recommendations of Consensus Building Institute (CBI) which, under the supervision of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), is bringing together all stakeholders of the Aguán to seek constructive solutions to some of the problems faced by this beautiful but troubled region of Honduras. Roger Pineda, spokesman for Dinant, said, “Dinant has operated in the Bajo Aguán for many years. We care deeply about the well-being of our employees here, the farmers who supply our processing plants, and all communities of the Aguán in which we live and work. We are committed to helping find a long-term solution to the land conflicts, and we look forward to engaging respectfully and transparently with all stakeholders – community leaders, NGOs, prominent business men and women, the Honduran authorities, and especially those few peasant movements that hold other viewpoints.” While attempts to resolve the wider problems facing the Aguán will require the participation of many stakeholders, Dinant is making significant progress on related issues that are already having a positive impact throughout Honduras. Mr. Pineda continued, “Dinant alone cannot resolve the wider problems of poverty, crime, and insecurity facing the people of the Aguán. But, as a major employer in the region, we know we have a responsibility to play our part. We already employ thousands of people, support hundreds of independent farmers, and contribute significantly to local communities through such initiatives as funding school teachers, offering free health check- ups, and providing technical and financial support. And we are investing significantly in how we modernize our security, engage with local people, and protect the natural environment. But we want to do more. Participating in CBI’s suggested approach for bringing together all the stakeholders of the Aguán will enable us to do that.” About Corporación Dinant Dinant is a family-owned consumer products manufacturer founded in Honduras in 1960 by Miguel Facusse Barjum. Its brands are sold throughout Central America and the Dominican Republic, and exported to global markets. Dinant employs 8,000 people, directly supports over 22,000 livelihoods, generates many millions of US dollars in exports for the Honduran economy, and contributes significantly to all communities and countries in which it operates. CORPORATE RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Roger Pineda, roger.pineda@dinant.com, +(504) 2239-8800

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