dinant Dinant
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+504 22753370
Dinant Dinant

At Dinant we know that to be great we must take care of what surrounds us. We understand that everything around us is important, especially nature. That is why we have set ourselves the task of protecting it, safeguarding our habitat and recovering wild species of flora and fauna that are threatened or in danger of extinction.

We faithfully believe that we must always look for the best option and we want our commitment to inspire others to treat the planet better, generating a positive impact on society, and promoting the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources.

That is why since 1996 at Dinant we have maintained 3 Wildlife Conservation Centers (CCVS), located in Honduras, in the departments of:

Valle Colón Cortés

In these centers, a series of actions are carried out aimed at promoting:

Forest Conservation
Environmental Education
Scientific Investigation

Zacate Grande

Zacate Grande
Zacate Grande

Declared a Site of importance for Wildlife by the State of Honduras

  • Reproduces and protects national symbols of Honduras such as the white-tailed deer and the red guara. Red guaras are ringed from 2 months old for identification.
  • The red guara reproduction program is the oldest in Honduras and one of the first in Mesoamerica, and the project's red guaras can be seen on the coasts of Nicaragua and El Salvador, making it one of the most successful species reintroduction programs in Mesoamerica.
  • The Reserve is home to different species of fauna in the wild, such as: white-tailed deer, ocelots, anteaters, skunks, raccoons, opossums, armadillos, lizards, iguanas, garrobos, boas, black tamagás, red tamagás, coral, yellow-naped parrot and different species of psittacines and seabirds among others.
  • The Reserve is a rehabilitation and release center for fauna confiscated by the government, working hand in hand with the Wildlife Department of the Forest Conservation Institute, Special Environmental Prosecutor's Office and the Public Ministry.
  • To date the reserve has released to wildlife and/or donated more than 22,000 green iguanas, 3 thousand deer and approximately 200 red guaras, thereby contributing to saving the species from the danger of extinction.
Forest Conservation

This private reserve in the southern part of Honduras, has one of the best-preserved dry forests in the south-central area of Honduras.

Its objectives are to support conservation and protection of the forest, causing a reduction in forest fires, production of oxygen, increase in aquifers, and reduction of erosion.

Environmental Education

The Reserve keeps a permanent environmental education program for children and young people of different educational levels aimed at the conservation of natural resources and the environment.

Scientific Investigation
  • The reserve is a center for monitoring and scientific research of local biodiversity.
  • The Reserve is a model for the conservation and management of wildlife and water conservation in the area.
  • It is a center for the exchange of knowledge, scientific research, donation of breeding stock to other projects and training to save endangered species.

It promotes inter-institutional cooperation on environmental conservation issues.
