Dinant Supporting Local Honduran Families In Unprecedented Year
Honduran Company Providing Food, Cleaning Products and School Backpacks
TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, 21 JULY 2021: Dinant is providing further support to local communities who continue to suffer from the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and back-to-back hurricanes that struck Honduras in November 2020. Since the beginning of the year, Dinant has donated more than 50,000 lbs. of food to 40 local communities situated near to its operational sites, benefitting around 6,000 families in Comayagua, San Pedro Sula, Lean, Aguán and Zacate Grande Island. This brings Dinant’s total contributions since the COVID19 pandemic began to 250,000 lbs. of food, 40,000 liters of disinfectant, and 40,000 bars of soap donated to over 106,000 families from 71 communities throughout Honduras. Company spokesman, Roger Pineda, said, “This last 12 months have been unprecedented for the whole world, but particularly for Hondurans who have suffered not only from the global pandemic but two damaging hurricanes in quick succession towards the end of last year. Dinant has a sophisticated Community Engagement Program, and I am pleased that we have been able to prioritize support for local people who have been most impacted by COVID-19 and the natural disasters.” In addition to the donations of food and cleaning products, Dinant has provided 600 elementary school children with educational kits to support their return to school. Containing backpacks, notebooks, pencils and other school supplies, the kits were delivered to nine schools located in the communities of Comayagua and the Island of Zacate Grande. Mr. Pineda continued, “Dinant is proud to support our local schools. In addition to providing supplies, since 2007 we have financed the employment of 12 elementary and high school teachers in the Leán and Aguán valleys, providing direct education to over 4,200 children since the program began.” About Corporación Dinant Dinant is a family-owned consumer products manufacturer founded in Honduras in 1960. Its products are sold across Central America and the Dominican Republic. For 60 years, Dinant has been enhancing the lives of many people in neighboring local communities by creating thousands of well-paid sustainable jobs with compensation levels well above the national minimum wage, and by significantly improving the skills, education and general health of the workforce. Dinant’s operations directly employ 7,200 people – who in turn support approximately 22,000 family members – as well as many thousands of contractors, vendors and suppliers who depend on Dinant.