Dinant launches local grievance mechanisms in Leán and San Pedro Sula
Professional Social Workers Supporting Dinant’s Community EngagementTegucigalpa, Honduras, May 29, 2015: Corporación Dinant today formally launched regional Community
Grievance Mechanisms in Leán and San Pedro Sula.
Dinant’s Community Grievance Mechanism – designed in collaboration with local people to provide simple, safe
and reliable ways of communicating with the company – has been operating successfully in Comayagua. Now,
after consultation with communities in Leán and San Pedro Sula, Dinant is launching regional versions of the
Grievance Mechanism in those locations.
Company spokesman Roger Pineda said, “Dinant has excellent relationships with most of the communities inwhich we live and work. But, like all organizations, we do not always get everything right. We want to be betterat listening to the concerns of local people and finding practical solutions. That’s why our region-specificGrievance Mechanisms have been established in consultation with local people and are simple to use.”
Anyone can access the Community Grievance Mechanism on Dinant’s website, or via a free dedicated telephone
hotline, or by meeting Dinant’s professional social liaison workers based in local communities. “People impacted
by our operations can talk to us, personally or anonymously, in ways that are convenient to them. Our
community-based professional social workers will make sure that every voice is heard and we shall do our best
to provide constructive solutions,” Mr. Pineda continued.
Dinant’s Grievance Mechanisms are the culmination of many months’ hard work. Under the guidance of the IFC
and social sector consultants, Dinant has undertaken extensive social-environmental risk assessments and
mitigation measures to understand and resolve issues affecting local people. Following further consultation
with local people and the appointment of a professional community social worker, a local Grievance Mechanism
will soon be launched in the Aguán.
The Grievance Mechanism is published in English: http://www.dinant.com/index.php/en/grievances and in
Spanish: http://www.dinant.com/index.php/es/formulario. The free telephone hotline is (+504) 800-2265-3303.
About Corporación Dinant
Dinant is a family-owned consumer products manufacturer founded in Honduras in 1960 by Miguel Facusse
Barjum. Its products are sold throughout Central America and the Dominican Republic, and exported to global
markets. Dinant employs 8,000 people, supports over 22,000 livelihoods, generates millions of US dollars in
exports for the Honduran economy, and contributes significantly to all communities in which it operates.
As part of its adherence to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, Dinant has removed all
firearms from security men and women at its plantations, extraction mills and manufacturing plants. Dinant
rigorously benchmarks its operations against stringent international standards regarding the economic,
environmental and social impact of its African Palm oil business. All 14 Dinant facilities in Honduras have been
awarded ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18001 status as a mark of their progress in environmental management and
occupational health & safety. Dinant is participating in an approach being suggested by the Consensus Building
Institute, under the supervision of the IFC, to seek resolutions to any ongoing problems in the Aguán.
Roger Pineda, roger.pineda@dinant.com, +(504) 2239-8800